Do you realise that you are creating limits on how much wealth you have?

Let me explain.

When you see others who are much more wealthy than you, what do you think of them?

Do you think “Well done you”?

Or do you think they must be greedy or selfish or both?

Maybe you think they are just lucky, or born with a “silver spoon in their mouth” and things always turn out well for them without having to really do anything.

Or maybe you believe that they come from a different background to you and that they have had some advantage in life.

Whatever it is you believe about “them” is reflecting back to you how you think and feel about money and wealth.

And you have probably been carrying these thoughts and feelings all your life.

You see as a child we pick up beliefs from our parents or caregivers.

As we learn to orientate ourselves in this world we mimic those around us, and in the process we pick up the thoughts, feelings and actions of those people.

And we accept them as the TRUTH.

This includes beliefs about money and wealth.

Not only that, we are influenced by our culture and society at large, and our religious and political affiliations.

As you get older you might change some of these “allegiances” but all of these thoughts influence how you think about wealth.

These beliefs create a set-point that is safe for you to stay within. A ceiling that you won’t breakthrough because unconsciously you believe that you will lose something if you go above it.

That may be love, or friendship or you may fear being outcast from your family or peer group if you do.

Of course, consciously this seems ridiculous, illogical. But our unconscious mind doesn’t work on logic. It’s just trying to protect you by keeping you safe within the boundaries you are familiar with.

So let me ask you a question.

What is the invisible line, the amount of wealth in your mind, that someone goes from being a “good hard-working” person to someone who is “greedy and selfish”?

This just might be your money set-point that’s creating a financial ceiling for you.