Here are some principles you need to understand in order to attract wealth and abundance (and anything else you desire) into your life.

Everything is energy. This includes us.

Thanks to Quantum Mechanics we now know that at a subatomic level everything is made up of energy including ourselves.

All energy is vibrating at a different frequency.

We have light waves, sound waves, radio waves, x-rays, microwaves, infra-red waves, ultraviolet waves etc. The frequency these waves vibrate at determines whether we are
able to see, hear or feel this energy.

Our vibrational frequency depends on our thoughts and feelings – especially our feelings.

Our feelings determine the frequency that our body vibrates at. This has been measured on various scales.

The frequency we are vibrating at determines what we can see, hear and feel. This means it determines the type of opportunities we are able to tune into. A bit like a radio. The programmes and songs (opportunities) are always there but are we tuned into it?

When we change the frequency we are attuned to, we can experience new opportunities.

We know from neuroscience that our Reticular Activating System (RAS) filters out information that our unconscious deems as unimportant. What the unconscious deems to be important or not is based on the beliefs we hold. Many of these were inherited as a child and may not serve us now.

This is why I say that attracting wealth and abundance is an inside job.

To create more abundance we need to be focusing on our true desires, clearing out old paradigms and beliefs that do not serve us and aligning to our desired wealth frequency.

Next time I will share more about how you can do that.