Last time I talked about how everything, including ourselves is made up of energy, and that energy moves or vibrates at different frequencies. Our vibrational frequency is determined by our thoughts and feelings which give out electro-magnetic waves.

We can tune into different frequencies by changing our thoughts and in particular our feelings. Therefore in order to create more wealth and abundance in our lives we need to think and feel like someone who already has those things we desire.

It’s kind of “fake it ’til you make it” but that’s not as simple as it sounds.

To be able to really do this you need to release and let go of the thoughts and feelings that stop you from thinking like a millionaire (or whatever level of wealth you desire).

Now let’s just return back to some science – quantum mechanics.

We now know that sub-atomic particles can be modelled as both particles and waves. Before a sub-atomic particle can be measured, it exists in a superposition of all states (i.e. in different states or points at the same time) and observing this sub-atomic particle
collapses the superposition into a single point in space and time.

The Many Worlds Theory by Hugh Everett suggests that in each moment there is an infinite number of possible universes that exist in pure potentiality.

So we can interpret this as everything you desire already exists.

Inorder to align with what you desire you need to collapse the wave by focusing your intention on that desired outcome. (This is where the Law of Attraction comes into play and why so much attention gets placed on it.)

However, our most dominant force in our mind is our unconscious mind. That part that runs on what it is familiar with – past experiences of how it processes reality based on definitions, beliefs and paradigms.

Inorder to change to a new level of wealth frequency we need to move into a different level of consciousness altogether – our superconscious or higher self. This is that part of our awareness that is connected to all things through time and space.

You might call it your intuition, your genius or your God-spark within.
It’s the part of our mind that, if we can really listen into, trust and follow its wisdom, will lead us to our desires.

This isn’t that easy because as I said before, our unconscious mind is usually our most
dominant and will try to win our attention.

So what do you need to do?

1. Determine what you truly desire?
2. Ask why you want it – what would it give you? This allows you to connect into your feelings and emotions around it?
3. Identify what thoughts and feelings are coming up for you as to why you can’t have it?
These are the beliefs, definitions and paradigms that your unconscious currently knows as truth.
4. Release those thoughts and feelings – there are energy many techniques for this
5. Connect into your Superconscious/Higher Self/Intuition.
6. Put your attention on what you desire.
7. Take action on what messages/intuitive nudges you receive.