I’ve written before about how low vibrational feelings can keep us stuck and push money and success away. The biggest culprits are shame and guilt and most of the people on the planet hold onto these feelings in some way or another.

Another low vibrational emotion is grief. Like shame and guilt, grief is a lower or more dense emotional state than fear. And grief hits us all at some time or other.

At my stage of life, this feeling has been pretty constant over the past few years. Having lost my dad, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, two friends and two other family members all in the space of three and a half years, the feeling can keep reoccurring. I have clients going through similar experiences.

When we experience events that create a continuum like this, it is difficult to process the feelings because as we start to let go, a new wave of emotion comes upon us. The same thing often happens with stress and anxiety.

Each time we experience a feeling, a chemical is released into the body. We know from the work of Dr Bruce Lipton that our cells are far more affected by their environment than from genetics.

The environment of the cell is the body and the chemicals that get released into it, such as dopamine, cortisol, melatonin etc.  These chemicals differ based on our thoughts and feelings, and impact the cells directly. So when we continually experience the same emotions, such as fear, grief, shame and guilt we are releasing chemicals that are not good for our body. 

As humans we are meant to experience these emotions, process them and then let them be released. Yet this often doesn’t happen. If they are not released, these feelings can become trapped in our bodies and create disease.

Both science and the field of energy work has advanced a lot in this area in recent years and we now have tools and techniques that can help us release emotions that have become trapped within our body and cause either physical pain and disease, or just keep us in a low, dense energy that makes it really difficult to move forward with our goals and desires.

As I grow and uplevel my own skills, I have been studying an energy psychology method which helps to release trapped emotions and trauma, connect into your super-conscious and manifest your desires from a coherent and higher frequency. I will soon be bringing this work together with my existing money breakthrough work in a new programme called The Wealth RECode – so watch this space!

In the meantime, does any of this resonate with you?

Do you have a physical pain that upon reflection, started around the same time as a difficult emotional experience in your life?

Do you find it really hard to move forward with your business (or life) goals even when you are excited by them, because of waves of despair or grief?

Are you struggling to bring in more money to your business yet find it hard to do anything about it. Like the rabbit in the headlights you feel frozen and unable to move?

All of these scenarios could be symptoms of trapped emotions that haven’t been properly processed.

If this is resonating with you then please reach out and I will let you know if I can help in some way or will point you in the direction of someone else who can, or other resources.

Don’t let your emotions keep you stuck from achieving your dreams!