Discover your money blueprint and unlock your path to more income

Within you lives a unique “money code” which has the power to unlock your prosperity


By discovering your money personality you will gain in-depth insights into your nature and mindset when it comes to your money.

Reveal your money strengths, vanquish your money shadow side and unlock the money making potential within you.

Money Personality Quiz

This assessment should take you less than 10 minutes.

Answer each question with your level of agreement to the statement ranging from "strongly disagree" through to "strongly agree".

Move through the quiz quickly and go with the first answer that comes to mind as this is normally your truth. Do NOT answer based on how you would like things to be or what you think you should answer. To get the most from this assessment you need to be totally honest with yourself.

At the end of the quiz you will be asked to submit your name and email address to obtain your results.









This assessment is provided under licence. Sacred Money Archetypes ® is a registered trademark of Heart of Success Inc. © Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved.