Have you ever taken a personality test? I’m sure you have, as we tend to be fascinated by what these assessments can reveal about ourselves.

These personality tests use archetypes to help us understand how we behave in certain situations or in relation to something, like our career choice, our natural strengths, or even our ideal partner.

Archetypes were first brought into the public awareness by the psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung, although they have been around since the dawn of mankind. They are patterns of power within the human psyche that we all recognise and they transcend time, culture, religion and language.

They are universal and we all recognise these patterns of behaviour within ourselves and within each other. You only have to read a novel or watch a film to recognise characters such as a hero, or a warrior or a romantic or a fool. We recognise them from their personality and how they mostly behave.

Yet although we can relate to all of these characters we associate with some more strongly than others. This is what makes us the individual that we are.

That’s why I’m always saying that:

“We are Universal and Unique at the same time”

So have you ever stopped to consider that you may have a specific way of behaving around money – your own money personality?

Not only a way that you currently operate but how you actually should be operating to be totally authentic to yourself.

When it comes to being better with money, we are often taught that we should learn how to manage money better by cutting back on expenses, getting out of debt and being selective on what we spend our money on.

Yet, depending on your money personality there will be certain things that are really important to you, and no matter what your current situation is, you will continue to behave in the same way when it comes to money.

Now every personality has both good and not so good behaviours and you can learn to modify your behaviour to avoid obstacles and reduce the challenges you face. But you must do this in alignment with your money personality.

So knowing and understanding YOUR money personality is the first step to improving your relationship with money and wealth.

Want to discover more?

Take the Money Personality assessment here  

I’d love to know what insights it brings up for you.