One of my mentors once said
“Make your goal to be your best in the world.
Your desire to serve, harvests rich rewards.”
Nick Williams
Many of my clients come into business not only to do work that lights them up but also to make a difference to others through their service.
And serve they do. Which is great.
Yet sometimes, service can equate to sacrifice.
> By over-delivering on what you have promised. Not just giving great value but delivering more than you had agreed to.
> By under-charging
> By taking psychological ownership for the results of your clients
On the face of it, this all looks like being of service, yet in truth it can often be akin to martyrdom.
There are different reasons for this, including:
> craving recognition
> self-worth issues
> working from the shadow side of your personality
Maybe this sounds familiar to you?
I’m not saying you should stop being of service, but if any of these ring true for you then it’s time for a mindset shift and a change.
You can’t give from an empty cup.
Being of great value means offering more than you are accepting in exchange. Delivering more than you promised is not only sacrificing your time and energy but also disempowering your clients, especially if you work in the coaching field, as they are not learning how to do or be what they need.
Uncovering your strengths and talents and putting them at the heart of your business not only helps you see the value of what you bring, it allows you to create a framework that is your unique transformation method and elevates you as an expert.
Stepping into the power side of your personality allows you to be authentic and aligned in your business, without the need for recognition. Of course we want feedback and great testimonials but without the attachment.
So why not take a little “audit” of how you are showing up with your clients in your business and see where you may need a mindset and behaviour change to get better results for yourself and your clients.
Uncovering your natural strengths, packaging up your expertise into your own unique transformation method and bringing out more of your personality in your business are some of the things we do in my Gifts Into Gold programme. So if you’d like to find out more than just reach out.